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How to manage Brexit


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This dossier, updated in real time, rewievs of all the implications of Brexit and all the measures to be taken to limit its impacts.

English version - PDF format. L’Observatoire des Cosmétiques’ edition.

On 29 March 2017, the United Kingdom notified its intention to leave Europe, under Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. From 30 March 2019, 00:00h (Central European Time), the date of Brexit, it he was to become a “third country”. The consequences (on regulatons, legal affaires, customs, organization…) are multiple and can have a significant impact on the activity of companies. It was intended that an agreement should be concluded between the Union and the United Kingdom, which would allow for a “smooth” transition allowing all to adapt. But today, while several extensions of the deadline have been granted and the “No-Deal” scenario still does not seem to be ruled out, it is the “worst case” that must be prepared urgently. This dossier, updated in real time, rewievs of all the implications of Brexit and all the measures to be taken to limit its impacts.

The author
A graduate of the School of Journalism in Lille, Laurence Wittner is a freelance journalist specializing in the field of cosmetics. Co-founder of Monitor Cosmetics, she is the editor-in-chief of its supports.

Databook 2022 “How to manage Brexit”, english version, L’Observatoire des Cosmétiques’ edition (Septembre 2022), 86 pages (ISBN : 979-10-92544-57-2), PDF format (930 Ko).